Luann Liang was born in Chicago and grew up in Kansas and Connecticut. Luann earned a BA from UConn with a dual major in Political Science and Urban and Community Studies, and is a Day Division student at UConn Law.
1. What made you want to attend law school?
I could give you all my good reasons why, but instead I’ll give you the petty one. I was in a three-car accident—where a vehicle rear ended me and I ended up hitting the car in front—a few years ago. Thankfully the issue has long been settled, but I’d receive a phone call every now and then informing me that the person in the front car was interested in suing me. I guess it made me feel strongly enough that now I list that as the reason why!
2. Why did you choose UConn Law?
I was highly impressed with the professors, quality and rigor of the program, passion of the alumni and strong presence within the state.
3. What are you most looking forward to in these next few years?
I used to work at a firm, and I miss the unique intellectual challenges we faced. I’m looking forward to that exposure again!
4 .What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time I serve as secretary of the board of an amateur rocketry nonprofit, volunteer with the Triangle Community Center in Fairfield, and test water quality with Save the Sound. Most recently I’ve enjoyed compiling data on local aquatic macroinvertebrates with a diverse team focused on analyzing PFAS levels under the UConn Natural Resources Conservation Academy program.
5. How do you want to use your law degree?
I’m keeping an open mind, but some fields of interest for me include public interest, intellectual property, regulatory compliance, business law and international law.
6. What is your favorite lawyer movie, TV show or book?
Some of my favorite lawyer movies from my childhood were "The Green Mile" and "Philadelphia."