The UConn School of Law calendar of events planned by staff, students and faculty. Visit the Academic Calendar for information about semester schedules and deadlines.
Litigation Night is an annual event where the Connecticut Moot Court Board, the Mock Trial Society, and the Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Society host a dinner and presentation of each club’s litigation related specialties in front of guest judges and the student body. This is a chance for 1L and other new students to get to know the organizations. Skills development workshop for students interested in competing in AFINC (Annual Fall Intramural Negotiation Competition) hosted by the Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Society Alyanna Gallo ( LLSA general board meeting. UConn Law students are welcome to attend the Student Organization Fair to learn more about the various organizations available to join and to get insight on gaining membership to the four journals, three competition teams, and the Student Bar Association. Julian M. Torres Rosario At the event, we will teach volunteers how to complete and prepare pardon applications for submission, which includes a brief intake and overview with the client. Students will then work with at least one client on their own time. Six to Nine months down the line the student may, if interested, be able to represent the applicant at the hearing! The Business and Transactional Law Society (BTLS) is holding our first meeting next Thursday, September 5th in STAR 204 @ 12:30 PM First softball practice for the UConn law softball club! Ian Saum, This event will be a great way for new EELS members to chat with older ones in a casual setting. Presented by the Center for Career Development About the Program: Members of the UConn Law Clerkship Committee will speak and answer questions about judicial clerkships in an informal setting. While any students interested in learning more about clerkships are welcome, there will be a focus on action steps for students seeking positions in the fall of 2026 (predominantly 2L day and 3L evening division students), including planning for letters of recommendation and selecting and finalizing writing samples. Students interested in clerkships in 2025 (3LD/4LE) and 2026 (2LD/3LE) are particularly encouraged to attend. *A note on the clerkship application timeline: while exact application deadlines vary, clerkship applications are generally due about one year in advance of the clerkship (late spring/early summer of 2LD/3LE year). However, there are additional clerkship opportunities with application deadlines in students’ 3LD/4LE year. RSVP on Symplicity. - Meet & Greet The UConn School of Law International Programs Office will be hosting a Study Abroad Information Session on September 9th, 2024. The event will include a presentation from our office and a Q&A session with students who have recently studied abroad. Join CLSA as we welcome the incoming class, introduce our organization and upcoming events, and enjoy some fellowship and pizza! All are welcome. CLSA Executive Board: The Connecticut Alliance for International Lawyers will be hosting their first meeting of the Fall 2024 semester. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions please email FLA general body meeting. The Health Law Society will be holding a general body meeting to welcome first-year students and the rest of the student body that have an interest in pursuing a career in health & life sciences law. Alyanna Gallo ( Fundraiser for ALDF 914-330-9067 First meeting of the semester to introduce AESLS to the new students at UConn Law and talk about events and plans for the future. Leaders in the captive insurance industry will discuss timely trends in the captive industry. Key topics include: Students attend at no charge when using Promo Code COLLAB24 at registration. RSVP here! Kathryn Dube, Executive Director This study examines the rise of private health insurance in the United States post-World War II era. We investigate the role of the American Medical Association (AMA), which financed a campaign against National Health Insurance directed by the country’s first political public relations firm, Whitaker & Baxter’s (WB) Campaigns, Inc. The AMA-WB Campaign had two key components: (1) physician outreach to patients and civic organizations; and (2) mass advertising that tied private insurance to “freedom” and “the American way.” We bring together archival data from several novel sources documenting Campaign intensity. We find a one standard deviation increase in campaign exposure, which explains about 20% of the increase in private health insurance enrollment and a similar decline in public opinion support for legislation enacting national health insurance. We also find suggestive evidence that the Campaign altered the narrative of how legislators and pollsters described health insurance. These findings suggest the rise of private health insurance in the U.S. was not solely due to wartime wage freezes, collective bargaining, or favorable tax treatment. Rather, it was also enabled by an interest group-financed campaign that used ideology to influence the behavior and views of ordinary citizens. Recommended Reading: Marcella Alsan, Yousra Neberai & Xingyou Ye, Interest Groups, Ideology, and Indirect Lobbying: The Rise of Private Health Insurance in the United States (2024). Join us in a self-care practice where we’ll discuss mindfulness and meditation, the connection to social justice and the importance of your mental health to self-care practice. During the keynote, Rio E. Comaduran ’13 MSW will lead us in a short demonstration of sound meditation, utilizing a guided body scan meditation and the use of a variety of instruments to support relaxation. Following the keynote, Akilah Barr, community activist, will lead us into a beginner-friendly, restorative yoga session. Light refreshments, including a smoothie bowl bar and toppings from Playa Bowls West Hartford will be provided, with time for socializing to conclude the program. Please bring your own yoga mat and supplies (blanket and blocks) to participate. Join fellow alumni from classes ending in 4 and 9 for dinner, drinks, and reconnecting! Senior Director of Alumni Relations Jordan Abbott PILG Auction training for volunteers Join us to learn about putting together the five components of a legal job application. Audience: Intended for students from the Classes of ’27 and ’28; however, all interested students are welcome! RSVP on Symplicity. (Rescheduled from 10/2/2024) About the Program: Evening Division students often face unique challenges to getting the legal work experience they may need to achieve their individual professional goals. Attend this program to learn about the resources available to you through the Center for Career Development to support your career goals and job search. You will learn: Final round of the Annual Fall Intramural Negotiation Competition (AFINC) hosted by the Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Society. A networking dinner and reception will precede the negotiation, and an awards ceremony will follow after the AFINC champions are announced. Alyanna Gallo ( Herbert & Nell Singer Connecticut Public Service Fellowship Virtual Information Session About the Program: When: Friday, September 20, 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 pm You Will Learn: Who Should Attend: Join us in community for an afternoon of fun! We will have arts & crafts, yard games, carnival-style games, and fall-themed snacks. Julian M. Torres Rosario This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. We here at UConn PD believe a safe community begins with cooperation and a deeply held belief that we can work together to solve the issues we face. Communication, cooperation, planning, empathy, and respect are just a few of the elements that a community needs to be safe and thrive. To this end, we are proud to offer an immersive Teambuilding and Communication Workshop that allows participants to explore and One of the core concepts of experiential learning is challenge of choice. We learn most when we step outside of our comfort zones, but positively reinforced learning stops when we enter a panic zone. All of the activities we include in our program are structured and sequenced in a manner that allows participants to learn and grow while acknowledging that each element of every activity might not be for every individual. We will encourage everyone to participate past their comfort zone and into an area of true exploration while This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. At the core of the modern welfare state is the institution of social insurance, which provides event-conditioned benefits through a publicly orchestrated system of contributions and distribution. At the core of the modern welfare state is the institution of social insurance, which provides event-conditioned benefits through a publicly orchestrated system of contributions and distribution. Tracing an intellectual history of the practice from the time of the French Revolution through the present, this talk offers an account of how and why social insurance became one of the central policy tools of wealthy democracies. This history reveals that the way in which risk is conceived and calculated has important consequences for the design of social policy. It also shows that the capacity of social insurance to accommodate a plurality of normative principles and aims helps to account for its prominence and political resilience as an institution. Professor Friedman’s book, Probable Justice: Risk, Insurance, and the Welfare State (Chicago: 2020) is available for those interested in reading further. This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. Save the Sound clean-up at Pope Park in Hartford. Victoria Carpenter ( Lunch with Inhouse Counsel: Perspectives from Attorneys in a Global Company RSVP on Symplicity. Litigation Night is an annual event where the Connecticut Moot Court Board, the Mock Trial Society, and the Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Society host a dinner and presentation of each club’s litigation related specialties in front of guest judges and the student body. This is a chance for 1L and other new students to get to know the organizations. Skills development workshop for students interested in competing in AFINC (Annual Fall Intramural Negotiation Competition) hosted by the Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Society Alyanna Gallo ( LLSA general board meeting. UConn Law students are welcome to attend the Student Organization Fair to learn more about the various organizations available to join and to get insight on gaining membership to the four journals, three competition teams, and the Student Bar Association. Julian M. Torres Rosario At the event, we will teach volunteers how to complete and prepare pardon applications for submission, which includes a brief intake and overview with the client. Students will then work with at least one client on their own time. Six to Nine months down the line the student may, if interested, be able to represent the applicant at the hearing! The Business and Transactional Law Society (BTLS) is holding our first meeting next Thursday, September 5th in STAR 204 @ 12:30 PM First softball practice for the UConn law softball club! Ian Saum, This event will be a great way for new EELS members to chat with older ones in a casual setting. Presented by the Center for Career Development About the Program: Members of the UConn Law Clerkship Committee will speak and answer questions about judicial clerkships in an informal setting. While any students interested in learning more about clerkships are welcome, there will be a focus on action steps for students seeking positions in the fall of 2026 (predominantly 2L day and 3L evening division students), including planning for letters of recommendation and selecting and finalizing writing samples. Students interested in clerkships in 2025 (3LD/4LE) and 2026 (2LD/3LE) are particularly encouraged to attend. *A note on the clerkship application timeline: while exact application deadlines vary, clerkship applications are generally due about one year in advance of the clerkship (late spring/early summer of 2LD/3LE year). However, there are additional clerkship opportunities with application deadlines in students’ 3LD/4LE year. RSVP on Symplicity. - Meet & Greet The UConn School of Law International Programs Office will be hosting a Study Abroad Information Session on September 9th, 2024. The event will include a presentation from our office and a Q&A session with students who have recently studied abroad. Join CLSA as we welcome the incoming class, introduce our organization and upcoming events, and enjoy some fellowship and pizza! All are welcome. CLSA Executive Board: The Connecticut Alliance for International Lawyers will be hosting their first meeting of the Fall 2024 semester. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions please email FLA general body meeting. The Health Law Society will be holding a general body meeting to welcome first-year students and the rest of the student body that have an interest in pursuing a career in health & life sciences law. Alyanna Gallo ( Fundraiser for ALDF 914-330-9067 First meeting of the semester to introduce AESLS to the new students at UConn Law and talk about events and plans for the future. Leaders in the captive insurance industry will discuss timely trends in the captive industry. Key topics include: Students attend at no charge when using Promo Code COLLAB24 at registration. RSVP here! Kathryn Dube, Executive Director This study examines the rise of private health insurance in the United States post-World War II era. We investigate the role of the American Medical Association (AMA), which financed a campaign against National Health Insurance directed by the country’s first political public relations firm, Whitaker & Baxter’s (WB) Campaigns, Inc. The AMA-WB Campaign had two key components: (1) physician outreach to patients and civic organizations; and (2) mass advertising that tied private insurance to “freedom” and “the American way.” We bring together archival data from several novel sources documenting Campaign intensity. We find a one standard deviation increase in campaign exposure, which explains about 20% of the increase in private health insurance enrollment and a similar decline in public opinion support for legislation enacting national health insurance. We also find suggestive evidence that the Campaign altered the narrative of how legislators and pollsters described health insurance. These findings suggest the rise of private health insurance in the U.S. was not solely due to wartime wage freezes, collective bargaining, or favorable tax treatment. Rather, it was also enabled by an interest group-financed campaign that used ideology to influence the behavior and views of ordinary citizens. Recommended Reading: Marcella Alsan, Yousra Neberai & Xingyou Ye, Interest Groups, Ideology, and Indirect Lobbying: The Rise of Private Health Insurance in the United States (2024). Join us in a self-care practice where we’ll discuss mindfulness and meditation, the connection to social justice and the importance of your mental health to self-care practice. During the keynote, Rio E. Comaduran ’13 MSW will lead us in a short demonstration of sound meditation, utilizing a guided body scan meditation and the use of a variety of instruments to support relaxation. Following the keynote, Akilah Barr, community activist, will lead us into a beginner-friendly, restorative yoga session. Light refreshments, including a smoothie bowl bar and toppings from Playa Bowls West Hartford will be provided, with time for socializing to conclude the program. Please bring your own yoga mat and supplies (blanket and blocks) to participate. Join fellow alumni from classes ending in 4 and 9 for dinner, drinks, and reconnecting! Senior Director of Alumni Relations Jordan Abbott PILG Auction training for volunteers Join us to learn about putting together the five components of a legal job application. Audience: Intended for students from the Classes of ’27 and ’28; however, all interested students are welcome! RSVP on Symplicity. (Rescheduled from 10/2/2024) About the Program: Evening Division students often face unique challenges to getting the legal work experience they may need to achieve their individual professional goals. Attend this program to learn about the resources available to you through the Center for Career Development to support your career goals and job search. You will learn: Final round of the Annual Fall Intramural Negotiation Competition (AFINC) hosted by the Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Society. A networking dinner and reception will precede the negotiation, and an awards ceremony will follow after the AFINC champions are announced. Alyanna Gallo ( Herbert & Nell Singer Connecticut Public Service Fellowship Virtual Information Session About the Program: When: Friday, September 20, 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 pm You Will Learn: Who Should Attend: Join us in community for an afternoon of fun! We will have arts & crafts, yard games, carnival-style games, and fall-themed snacks. Julian M. Torres Rosario This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. We here at UConn PD believe a safe community begins with cooperation and a deeply held belief that we can work together to solve the issues we face. Communication, cooperation, planning, empathy, and respect are just a few of the elements that a community needs to be safe and thrive. To this end, we are proud to offer an immersive Teambuilding and Communication Workshop that allows participants to explore and One of the core concepts of experiential learning is challenge of choice. We learn most when we step outside of our comfort zones, but positively reinforced learning stops when we enter a panic zone. All of the activities we include in our program are structured and sequenced in a manner that allows participants to learn and grow while acknowledging that each element of every activity might not be for every individual. We will encourage everyone to participate past their comfort zone and into an area of true exploration while This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. At the core of the modern welfare state is the institution of social insurance, which provides event-conditioned benefits through a publicly orchestrated system of contributions and distribution. At the core of the modern welfare state is the institution of social insurance, which provides event-conditioned benefits through a publicly orchestrated system of contributions and distribution. Tracing an intellectual history of the practice from the time of the French Revolution through the present, this talk offers an account of how and why social insurance became one of the central policy tools of wealthy democracies. This history reveals that the way in which risk is conceived and calculated has important consequences for the design of social policy. It also shows that the capacity of social insurance to accommodate a plurality of normative principles and aims helps to account for its prominence and political resilience as an institution. Professor Friedman’s book, Probable Justice: Risk, Insurance, and the Welfare State (Chicago: 2020) is available for those interested in reading further. This program is intended for 2L, 3L, and 4L UConn Law students. Save the Sound clean-up at Pope Park in Hartford. Victoria Carpenter ( Lunch with Inhouse Counsel: Perspectives from Attorneys in a Global Company RSVP on Symplicity. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Litigation Night
Tuesday, September 3rd, 20245:30 PM - UConn Law AFINC Skills Development Workshop
Wednesday, September 4th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law LLSA General Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Hosmer Hall Student Organization Fair
Wednesday, September 4th, 20244:30 PM - 6:30 PM UConn Law PILG Pardons Day Training
Thursday, September 5th, 202410:00 AM - 11:00 AM UConn Law BTLS General Body Meeting
Thursday, September 5th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM William F. Starr Hall Softball Practice
Saturday, September 7th, 202412:30 PM - Elizabeth Park - Offsite 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 EELS & Lambda Hike and lunch
Sunday, September 8th, 202410:00 AM - 2:00 PM Offsite CANCELED: Demystifying Judicial Clerkships
Monday, September 9th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library ⭐️ Mental Health Committee General Body Meeting ⭐️
Monday, September 9th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
- Organization Overview
- Event Preview
- Free Lunch International Programs Study Abroad Info Session
Monday, September 9th, 202412:45 PM - 2:00 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library Christian Law Students Association General Body Meeting
Monday, September 9th, 20245:30 PM - 6:30 PM Hosmer Hall CAIL General Body Meeting
Tuesday, September 10th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Hosmer Hall, Janet M. Blumberg Hall FLA First General Body Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th, 202412:15 PM - 1:45 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library Health Law Society General Body Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law SALDF Fundraiser
Thursday, September 12th, 202411:00 AM - 1:30 PM UConn Law Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law Society (AESLS) General Body Meeting
Thursday, September 12th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law 2024 CTCIA Collaborative
Thursday, September 12th, 20241:00 PM - 7:00 PM UConn Law
(860) 989-8502 Interest Groups, Ideology, and Indirect Lobbying: The Rise of Private Health Insurance in the United States
Thursday, September 12th, 20244:00 PM - 5:00 PM UConn Law #ThisIsAmerica: Exploring Mindfulness & Yoga
Saturday, September 14th, 202410:00 AM - 12:30 PM UConn Law Law Reunion 4s and 9s
Saturday, September 14th, 20244:30 PM - 9:30 PM UConn Law
860-428-802615 16 17 18 19 20 21 PILG Auction Training
Monday, September 16th, 20241:00 PM - 2:00 PM UConn Law Legal Job Application How To’s
Tuesday, September 17th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Online
You Will Learn:
The 5 Components of a Legal Job Application
How to Put Together an Application that Stands Out
About Critical Timelines for the Summer Job Search
Where to find jobs Opportunities with the Judiciary: Internships & Field Placements
Wednesday, September 18th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Knight Hall
Join us for an info session highlighting what judicial internships/field placements entail and how they benefit law students. You will learn about the “nuts & bolts” on how and when to apply, including tips for successful application materials and how a judicial internship/field placement may complement your clerkship goals. RSVP on Symplicity. Careers Info Session for First Year Evening Students
Wednesday, September 18th, 20245:30 PM - 6:30 PM Cheryl A. Chase Hall
About Symplicity, our jobs platform
The 5 components of a legal job application
About summer jobs and other opportunities to get legal work experience, application timelines, and how to manage your search
Tips on how to build your own network in the legal community
Who Should Attend: Intended for 1L Evening Division students, although all Evening Division students are welcome. AFINC Final Round (with Networking Dinner & Awards Ceremony)
Thursday, September 19th, 20245:30 PM - UConn Law Herbert & Nell Singer Connecticut Public Service Fellowship Virtual Information Session
Friday, September 20th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM
We will be hosting an informational webinar for students interested in applying for a 2025-2026 Herbert & Nell Singer Fellowship. Singer Fellows are hosted by 501(c)(3) organizations in Connecticut that provide legal services to underserved populations. Members of the Connecticut Bar Foundation and current Singer Fellow will provide an overview of the Singer Fellowship and how to apply.
-The benefits of launching your public interest career as a Singer Fellow.
-The anticipated timeline for your application materials, interviews, and offers.
-Tips for submitting your best application.
Anyone in the Class of 2025 who is interested in learning more about the Herbert & Nell Singer Fellowship. Family Fall Fest
Saturday, September 21st, 202411:00 AM - 3:00 PM UConn Law
julian.torres@uconn.edu22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Wednesday, September 25th, 20249:00 AM - 5:00 PM Law School Staff - Team Building and Communication Workshop
Wednesday, September 25th, 202410:00 AM - 1:00 PM UConn Law
learn both as individuals and as a group. These workshops feature a variety of games and group
initiative projects that are specifically designed to allow participants to explore their group and themselves.
Focus is placed on problem solving, interpersonal and group communication skills, leadership traits, organizational processes, adventurous daring-do, productive silliness and more.
empowering participants to help guide their own adventure. Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Thursday, September 26th, 2024All Day Risk, Insurance and the Welfare State
Thursday, September 26th, 20244:00 PM - 5:00 PM UConn Law Insurance Law Center Fall Reception
Thursday, September 26th, 20245:00 PM - 6:30 PM UConn Law Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Friday, September 27th, 2024All Day 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 EELS Cleanup in Hartford
Sunday, September 29th, 202410:00 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch with Inhouse Counsel: Perspectives from Attorneys in a Global Company
Monday, September 30th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
Sponsored by the Pratt & Whitney Legal, Contracts and Compliance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.
Litigation Night
Tuesday, September 3rd, 20245:30 PM - UConn Law
AFINC Skills Development Workshop
Wednesday, September 4th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
LLSA General Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 4th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Hosmer Hall
Student Organization Fair
Wednesday, September 4th, 20244:30 PM - 6:30 PM UConn Law
PILG Pardons Day Training
Thursday, September 5th, 202410:00 AM - 11:00 AM UConn Law
BTLS General Body Meeting
Thursday, September 5th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM William F. Starr Hall
Softball Practice
Saturday, September 7th, 202412:30 PM - Elizabeth Park - Offsite
EELS & Lambda Hike and lunch
Sunday, September 8th, 202410:00 AM - 2:00 PM Offsite
CANCELED: Demystifying Judicial Clerkships
Monday, September 9th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library
⭐️ Mental Health Committee General Body Meeting ⭐️
Monday, September 9th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
- Organization Overview
- Event Preview
- Free Lunch
International Programs Study Abroad Info Session
Monday, September 9th, 202412:45 PM - 2:00 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library
Christian Law Students Association General Body Meeting
Monday, September 9th, 20245:30 PM - 6:30 PM Hosmer Hall
CAIL General Body Meeting
Tuesday, September 10th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Hosmer Hall, Janet M. Blumberg Hall
FLA First General Body Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th, 202412:15 PM - 1:45 PM Thomas J. Meskill Law Library
Health Law Society General Body Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
SALDF Fundraiser
Thursday, September 12th, 202411:00 AM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law Society (AESLS) General Body Meeting
Thursday, September 12th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
2024 CTCIA Collaborative
Thursday, September 12th, 20241:00 PM - 7:00 PM UConn Law
(860) 989-8502
Interest Groups, Ideology, and Indirect Lobbying: The Rise of Private Health Insurance in the United States
Thursday, September 12th, 20244:00 PM - 5:00 PM UConn Law
#ThisIsAmerica: Exploring Mindfulness & Yoga
Saturday, September 14th, 202410:00 AM - 12:30 PM UConn Law
Law Reunion 4s and 9s
Saturday, September 14th, 20244:30 PM - 9:30 PM UConn Law
PILG Auction Training
Monday, September 16th, 20241:00 PM - 2:00 PM UConn Law
Legal Job Application How To’s
Tuesday, September 17th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Online
You Will Learn:
The 5 Components of a Legal Job Application
How to Put Together an Application that Stands Out
About Critical Timelines for the Summer Job Search
Where to find jobs
Opportunities with the Judiciary: Internships & Field Placements
Wednesday, September 18th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM Knight Hall
Join us for an info session highlighting what judicial internships/field placements entail and how they benefit law students. You will learn about the “nuts & bolts” on how and when to apply, including tips for successful application materials and how a judicial internship/field placement may complement your clerkship goals. RSVP on Symplicity.
Careers Info Session for First Year Evening Students
Wednesday, September 18th, 20245:30 PM - 6:30 PM Cheryl A. Chase Hall
About Symplicity, our jobs platform
The 5 components of a legal job application
About summer jobs and other opportunities to get legal work experience, application timelines, and how to manage your search
Tips on how to build your own network in the legal community
Who Should Attend: Intended for 1L Evening Division students, although all Evening Division students are welcome.
AFINC Final Round (with Networking Dinner & Awards Ceremony)
Thursday, September 19th, 20245:30 PM - UConn Law
Herbert & Nell Singer Connecticut Public Service Fellowship Virtual Information Session
Friday, September 20th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM
We will be hosting an informational webinar for students interested in applying for a 2025-2026 Herbert & Nell Singer Fellowship. Singer Fellows are hosted by 501(c)(3) organizations in Connecticut that provide legal services to underserved populations. Members of the Connecticut Bar Foundation and current Singer Fellow will provide an overview of the Singer Fellowship and how to apply.
-The benefits of launching your public interest career as a Singer Fellow.
-The anticipated timeline for your application materials, interviews, and offers.
-Tips for submitting your best application.
Anyone in the Class of 2025 who is interested in learning more about the Herbert & Nell Singer Fellowship.
Family Fall Fest
Saturday, September 21st, 202411:00 AM - 3:00 PM UConn Law
Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Wednesday, September 25th, 20249:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Law School Staff - Team Building and Communication Workshop
Wednesday, September 25th, 202410:00 AM - 1:00 PM UConn Law
learn both as individuals and as a group. These workshops feature a variety of games and group
initiative projects that are specifically designed to allow participants to explore their group and themselves.
Focus is placed on problem solving, interpersonal and group communication skills, leadership traits, organizational processes, adventurous daring-do, productive silliness and more.
empowering participants to help guide their own adventure.
Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Thursday, September 26th, 2024All Day
Risk, Insurance and the Welfare State
Thursday, September 26th, 20244:00 PM - 5:00 PM UConn Law
Insurance Law Center Fall Reception
Thursday, September 26th, 20245:00 PM - 6:30 PM UConn Law
Virtual Interviews via Formal Recruiting Programs
Friday, September 27th, 2024All Day
EELS Cleanup in Hartford
Sunday, September 29th, 202410:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Lunch with Inhouse Counsel: Perspectives from Attorneys in a Global Company
Monday, September 30th, 202412:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
Sponsored by the Pratt & Whitney Legal, Contracts and Compliance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.
Planning an Event?
The Office of Events and Programs at the UConn School of Law offers resources and guidance for events planned on the UConn Law campus.