Alexandrea "Alex" Davenport is originally from Texas and moved to Connecticut from Alabama with her wife and two children. She has a BA in Sport Management from the University of Texas and an MA in American Studies from the University of Alabama.
Why do you want to attend law school?
I am attending law school in hopes of becoming a legal resource to individuals and families as they navigate end-of-life planning, wills and probate. In the months following my dad’s unexpected passing, I frequently found myself in conversations with others about their own experiences of loss. It was the stories from fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community, stories of grief compounded by a lack of legal rights or legal advocacy prior to and following the death of a loved one, that compelled me to apply to law school. Those stories are why I am here.
Why did you choose UConn Law?
I initially applied to UConn based on quantitative measures. I chose to attend UConn based on what I experienced in my interactions with UConn qualitatively. Ultimately, it was the kindness, the empathy, the sincerity and joy, the commitments to community and care that staff, administrators, and students alike displayed throughout my search process that compelled me to choose UConn. I am also here because of what I perceive to be UConn’s commitment to diversifying law school enrollment and to increasing sense of belonging within the legal profession for minority students.
How do you want to use your law degree?
I look forward to continuing to build a life for my family in the Hartford area. I’m excited to learn more about the different aspects of transactional law and the various avenues of professional practice that exist related to my areas of interest. At present, I foresee working for a small to mid-size firm that practices in the areas of elder law and/or wills and estate planning.
What do you do in your spare time?
Spare time admittedly feels pretty rare right now with a 2- and 6-year-old underfoot. Weekends in our house usually include a make-your-own pizza night, PBS cartoons, pancakes, and some combination of playground visits and outdoor adventures. Mini-golf is a current family favorite. Since hanging up my rugby boots, I’ve also become an avid runner. I’m excited to explore the trail systems in and around Hartford.