Richard Michael Fischl
Constance Baker Motley Professor of Law
Education/Professional Certification
JD, Harvard Law School
BA, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Labor law scholar Richard Michael Fischl spent four years with the Division of Enforcement Litigation at the National Labor Relations Board, and a year with the Litigation Unit of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board before joining the University of Miami faculty in 1983, where he taught for 23 years and was the 2005-2006 recipient of Miami’s Golden Apple Award for outstanding teaching and service. While with the NLRB, Professor Fischl, a graduate of Harvard Law School, was the principal author of the agency’s successful Supreme Court briefs in NLRB v. Hendricks County REMC and NLRB v. Transportation Management Inc., as well as the recipient of several commendations for outstanding appellate work.
A Law School faculty member since 2006, Professor Fischl’s research interests include union organizing and collective bargaining, the individual contract of employment, legal theory, and legal education. He has offered American work law courses as a visiting professor at Yale and Cardozo Law Schools; has taught comparative labor law at University College London and Eberhard-Karls-Universität in Tübingen, Germany; and has lectured widely on labor law topics. In 2008-2010, he served as associate dean for research and faculty development. | |
Phone | (860) 570-5253 |
Curriculum Vitae | Fischl_CV |
Office Location | Hosmer 114 |
Link | SSRN |