Tuition, Fees and Cost of Attendance

Law school tuition is set by the University based on the degree program and residency. Tuition for the JD program also differs between the full-time Day Division and the part-time Evening Division. Students are classified on admission as Connecticut residents, New England Compact residents (from Vermont and Rhode Island) or out-of-state residents. After one year of residence, students from outside Connecticut may petition to be reclassified as state residents eligible for in-state tuition. All students regardless of residency are charged University fees, which are pro-rated for Evening Division students. A breakdown of costs-per-credit may be found on the UConn Bursar’s website.

Tuition and fees are not the only expenses for law students. The cost of attendance, which includes living expenses for the nine-month academic year, is the basis for financial aid packages. The cost of attendance represents the maximum amount of financial assistance a student can receive, and may be adjusted per semester. Students may submit a form to request an increase to the cost of attendance in order to obtain or retain more loan eligibility.

The total Cost of Attendance (COA) includes direct educational costs (i.e., tuition, fees, housing, and food) and indirect costs. Indirect costs include books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, loan fees, and professional licensure or certification, if applicable.

Juris Doctor (JD) Tuition and Cost of Attendance

Tuition and fees for the mandatory summer course Legal Practice: Negotiation, required for first-year students, are not included in tuition. Full-time students at UConn Law must maintain health insurance coverage. Health insurance premiums are not automatically included in the cost of attendance.

JD Day Division (full-time, 12 credits per semester) *

Juris Doctor Day Division 2024-2025 In-State NE Compact Out-of-State
Tuition per Year $30,354 $51,786 $61,396
University Fee $124 $124 $124
Maintenance Fee $618 $618 $618
Student Activity Fee $164 $164 $164
Transit Fee $64 $64 $64
Technology Fee $184 $184 $184
Total Tuition & Fees $31,508 $52,940 $62,550
Books $1,800 $1,800 $1,800
Housing $12,724 $12,724 $12,724
Food $4,178 $4,178 $4,178
Misc. $3,506 $3,506 $3,506
Loan Fees $218 $218 $218
Transportation $2,572 $2,572 $2,572
Total Cost of Attendance $56,506 $77,938 $87,548

JD Evening Division (part-time, 10 credits per semester) *

Juris Doctor Evening Division 2024-2025 In-State NE Compact Out-of-State
Tuition per Year $21,180 $36,140 $42,840
University Fee $124 $124 $124
Maintenance Fee $618 $618 $618
Student Activity Fee $164 $164 $164
Transit Fee $64 $64 $64
Technology Fee $184 $184 $184
Total Tuition & Fees $22,334 $37,294 $43,994
Books $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Housing $12,724 $12,724 $12,724
Food $4,178 $4,178 $4,178
Misc. $3,506 $3,506 $3,506
Loan Fees $218 $218 $218
Transportation $2,572 $2,572 $2,572
Total Cost of Attendance $47,032 $61,992 $68,692

* These figures represent the typical tuition, fees and indirect expenses. This is only an estimated amount, as tuition and fees can vary based on enrollment. These figures do not represent your actual fee bill; indirect costs such as books, transportation, room, board and miscellaneous do not appear on your fee bill. Please note these figures are representative of the entire academic year (fall and spring). Full-time JD students are enrolled in 15 credits in the fall and in the spring semesters. Students who need to reduce credits to 12 per semester should call the Office of Admissions or the registrar.

Master of Laws (LLM) Tuition and Cost of Attendance

Master of Laws (LLM) 2024-2025 (full-time, 12 credits per semester) All Students
Program Fees per Year * $31,824
University Fee $124
Maintenance Fee $618
Student Activity Fee $164
Transit Fee $64
Technology Fee $184
Total Tuition and Fees per year $32,978
Books $1,808
Housing $12,724
Food $4,178
Misc. $3,506
Loan Fees $218
Health Insurance $3,500
Transportation $2,572
Total Cost of Attendance $61,484

* International students who require a visa will also be assessed a visa compliance fee of $350 per semester.

Doctor of the Science of Laws (SJD) Tuition and Cost of Attendance

SJD candidates are expected to spend the first two academic semesters of the Program in residence at the Law School, registered for the course“LAW7974 SJD Dissertation.”  For each semester thereafter, until the completion of the Program, the candidate need not be in residence but must be registered for the course “LAW7976 SJD Continuous Registration.”

Doctor of the Science of Laws 2024-2025 (9 credits per semester) In-State NE Compact Out-of-State
Cost per Credit $586 $951 $1,051
In Residence Tuition per year $10,538 $17,108 $18,902
University Fee $124 $124 $124
Maintenance Fee $618 $618 $618
Student Activity Fee $164 $164 $164
Transit Fee $64 $64 $64
Technology Fee $184 $184 $184
Total Tuition per year $11,692 $18,262 $20,056
Continuing Registration Fee $400 $400 $400
Books $1,444 $1,444 $1,444
Housing $12,724 $12,724 $12,724
Food $4,178 $4,178 $4,178
Loan Fees $218 $218 $218
Misc. $3,506 $3,506 $3,506
Transportation $2,572 $2,572 $2,572
Total Cost of Attendance $36,734 $43,304 $45,098


Students who meet certain eligibility requirements, may qualify for a tuition waiver. Students or prospective students seeking more information about any of the programs listed, please contact the relevant office or the UConn Law Office of the Bursar.

Veteran's Waivers

Veterans who were honorably discharged or released and served at least 90 days of active duty may be eligible for a Veteran’s Tuition Waiver. Additionally, veterans must be admitted to the Law School and must have been domiciled in Connecticut at the time of admission.

The Veteran's Waiver will cover all tuition or US.Legal Studies program fees, Insurance LLM program fees, Summer Term and Winter Term per credit fees but will not cover miscellaneous fees, books and living expenses.

The veteran must complete paperwork with the Office of Veterans Affairs in Storrs to qualify for the waiver. For further information about the Veterans’ Waiver please visit the UConn Veterans Affairs and Military Programs website.

National Guard Waivers

Students must complete paperwork with their commanding officer each semester to qualify for this waiver. The National Guard should send individual sealed forms that certify the student will receive the waiver to the University's main bursar's office. If applicable, the bursar's office will ensure that the appropriate regional campus is notified.

The National Guard waiver will cover all tuition but will not cover fees, books, living expenses, Summer Term fees, Winter Term fees, or LLM fees.

For further information about the National Guard Waiver please visit the UConn Veterans Affairs and Military Programs website.

September 11th Tuition Waivers

The State of Connecticut has passed Public Act 02-126 which grants a tuition waiver for those residents of the state of Connecticut who are either dependents or spouses of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The student must complete a waiver application at the Office of Student Financial Aid. The form can be completed in person, via fax or mail. The Office of Student Financial Aid will then forward this information to the Bursar’s Office and will apply the waiver to the student’s account. Any questions regarding eligibility for the tuition waiver should be referred to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Over 62 Waivers

The tuition waiver for Connecticut residents age 62 or older applies when (1) the person is admitted to the institution and has enrolled in a degree program or (2) for a person not enrolled in a degree program if, at the end of the registration, there are enough paying students enrolled in the course to warrant offering it and there is enough room in the class for the person after all paying students have been accommodated (CGS §§ 10a-105(e)(3) and 10a-99(d)(3)).

Students must notify the Bursar’s Office if they are over 62 years of age and a Connecticut resident. If any person who receives a tuition waiver also receives educational reimbursement from an employer, the waiver is reduced by the amount of the educational reimbursement.

The "Over 62" waiver will cover all tuition but will not cover fees, books, living expenses, Summer Term fees, Winter Term fees, or LLM fees.

For additional details of this program, please contact

Employee Waivers

There are two different types of employee waivers depending on the employee bargaining unit (UCPEA and Managerial). Although human resources (HR) gives UConn employees until October 15 and February 28 to apply (for fall and spring, respectively), employees are strongly encouraged to complete their applications so as to meet the fee bill deadlines (August 1 and January 8) and to avoid late fees. Employees must complete paperwork that is available on the Human Resources website. If approved by human resources staff, the paperwork will be forwarded to the bursar's office and your fee bill will be credited with the waiver. Please remember that employees receiving these waivers are not allowed to register until the first day of classes. The application can also be faxed to the bursar's office in Storrs at 860-486-5775 and you will be given a temporary deferment until you are notified by human resources staff.

Types of Fees

Fees are University charges to cover the extra costs of maintaining the systems necessary and integral to your legal education. Law students are required to pay the following fees:

General University Fee

The General University Fee was instituted at the University to help support student-related programs and institutional services of those programs. These programs are, by definition, ancillary to the educational mission of the University and are expected to generate a portion of their operating revenue through fees for services or sales changes. The General University Fee provides support for such programs as recreational activities, Student Health Services and other campus activities and programs.

Technology Fee

All students are charged a technology fee each semester for the support of academic technology.

Student Activity Fee

All students are charged a mandatory, nonrefundable activity fee. The proceeds from this fee are used by the Student Bar Association for its programs for student welfare and recreation.

Infrastructure Maintenance Fee

All students are charged an infrastructure maintenance fee each semester for the support of operating and maintenance costs related to the UConn 2000 projects as well as preventative and deferred maintenance. The pro-rated fee is assessed based on the number of credits for which the student is registered.

Late Fee

$150 will be assessed after the payment due date, with an additional $150 if payment is not received after add/drop date. The maximum late fee per semester is $300.

Audit Fees

Students auditing courses pay the same tuition and fees as those students who have enrolled for course credit. Tuition is charged on the basis of course credit hours, while the charge for the other fees (e.g., the General University Fee), is dependent on the student's total course load (part time, half time or full time).

Continuous Registration Fee

Academic Regulation states that all students matriculated in a degree program must maintain registration continuously each semester (except during summer/winter sessions) until they have completed all the requirements for the degree. Students must maintain registration by either taking coursework for credit or by enrollment in a continuous registration course. This applies to all students enrolled for credit in other programs, i.e. Study Abroad or visiting another Law School. A continuous registration course carries with it a $400 fee determined/approved by the University.

Visa Compliance Fee

Non-Refundable $350/semester. This fee is assessed to international students on F-1 and J-1 visas to fund services related to the University visa sponsorship.

For additional questions please visit the UConn Visa Compliance Fee Information.

Transit Fee

U-Pass CT @ UConn - Fee allows students access to the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s U-Pass program. U-Pass CT is valid for unlimited rides within Connecticut on all local & express buses, CTfastrak, Shore Line East (rail), and intrastate New Haven (rail) services.

Order online at and the pass will be mailed to you.

Health Insurance

Full-time students at UConn Law must maintain health insurance coverage. Health insurance premiums are not automatically included in the student's COA to determine aid eligibility.

Students who purchase health insurance through the University's sponsored health insurance plan may request an increase to their COA/ budget by submitting the Request for Increase in Budget and Additional Loan Funding form with supporting documentation. Students must complete a Title IV Waiver in order for financial assistance to pay for University health insurance.

Information about required health insurance and premium costs may be found on UConn's Student Health and Wellness website.

International Students

All international students enrolled in any UConn Law program must submit the Financial Declaration Form and  supporting documentation as described on the Financial Requirements page maintained by the University’s International Student & Scholar Services office.

In-State Residency

UConn School of Law is a public institution that offers a significant tuition reduction for Connecticut residents. Residency for the purpose of tuition charges is governed by Sections 10a-28 to 10a-30 of the Connecticut General Statutes, which states that any student who was classified as an out-of-state resident upon entry may petition to change that classification one year after establishing domicile in Connecticut. Learn more about residency status.