
Dona Young ’80 Appointed to USAA Board of Directors

Dona Young ’80 has been appointed to the Board of Directors of USAA, which provides insurance, banking and investment and retirement services to members and veterans of the U.S. military. She will serve as a member of the Nominating and Governance, Audit, and Compensation and Workforce committees. Young is the former chair, chief executive officer and president of the Phoenix Companies.

Jeffery White ’03 Honored with CTDEC Award

Jeffrey White ’03 is among six business leaders to receive the Connecticut District Export Council 2020 Ambassador Award. The Ambassador Award is given to recognize and appreciate outstanding contributions and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic in service to the region’s exporters and manufacturers. White is currently serving on the CTDEC for the 2020-2022 term, as appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and has been noted as one of the most active DEC members this year. 

Cynthia Lauture Appointed Assistant Corporation Counsel

Cynthia Lauture ’10 has been named assistant corporation counsel for the Town of West Hartford. Lauture recently served as assistant corporation counsel for the City of Hartford and has a background in civil litigation, human resources, and freedom of information issues. Lauture was hired following an extremely competitive and robust hiring process and has already stepped into her role.

Curtis Tearte ’78 honored with Distinguished Graduate Award

The University of Connecticut Law School Alumni Association will be honoring Curtis Tearte ’78 with the Distinguished Graduate Award next month. Tearte currently serves as vice chairman of the Brandeis Board of Trustees and formerly served on the board of the University of Connecticut Law School Foundation. He is also the chairman and founder of the Tearte Family Foundation. Tearte took on numerous executive roles at IBM, which he worked at for 30 years, and is known as a business transformation technology leader. The award will be presented virtually during LSAA’s Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on October 13, 2020.