Adjunct and Affiliated Faculty

The UConn School of Law draws a distinguished group of lawyers and jurists to teach as adjunct and affiliated professors in their areas of expertise, many of them active members of the UConn Law alumni network. The adjunct faculty includes lawyers who have worked in government, corporations, private practice and nonprofit organizations with specialization across a broad range of legal fields, as well as active and retired judges, including former Connecticut Supreme Court justices. Their teaching broadens and enhances the classroom experiences of UConn Law students. Visiting Martin-Flynn Global Faculty bring international experience and perspectives to further enrich the intellectual life of UConn Law.


Adjunct Faculty

List of People
Mauricio AgudeloChief Financial Officer, Fotmer Life Sciences
agudelo.mauricio@gmail.comCannabis Law
Bethany BarresePartner, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.
bbarrese@sdvlaw.comInsurance Litigation
Pamela BassPartner at Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP
pamela.d.bass@uconn.eduHigher Education Law
Tejas BhattJudge, Superior Court
tejas.bhatt@uconn.eduPretrial Justice; Advanced Criminal Practice and Procedure
Susana BidstrupAttorney at Law
susana.bidstrup@uconn.eduLegal Spanish I, Legal Spanish II, Legal Spanish, Topics
Christine BrombergPartner, Robinson & Cole LLP
cbromberg@rc.comIncome Taxation of Corporations and Their Shareholders; International Aspects of U.S. Income Taxation
Courtney ChaplinJudge, Connecticut Superior Court
courtney.chaplin@uconn.eduRace, Bias and Culture in Legal Doctrine and Practice
Audrey ChapmanProfessor of Community Medicine and Healthcare, UConn Health Center
achapman@uchc.eduEthics of Public Health
Louanne CooleyLegal Research Fellow, UConn CIRCA
louanne.cooley@uconn.eduCEEL Field Placement
Andy CoreaPartner, Murtha Cullina LLP
andy.corea@uconn.eduClinic: Intellectual Property
Marina CunninghamManaging Partner, McCormick, Paulding & Huber
Intellectual Property
Chelsea DonaldsonSupervising Attorney at the Veterans Benefits and Military Unit
chelsea.donaldson@uconn.eduClinic: Veterans Benefits Advocacy
Deborah DorfmanExecutive Director/Attorney, Disability Rights Connecticut
carminedorfman@hotmail.comClinic: Disability Rights
James DoughertyPartner, Dungey Dougherty PLLC
james.i.dougherty@uconn.eduTrust and Estates
Gerald Dwyer, Jr.Partner, Robinson & Cole LLP
gerald.dwyer@uconn.eduInsurance Litigation
Katie DzurecDirector, Health Consulting Services, Examination Resources, LLC
Michael EiseleAssociate General Counsel, The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Law of Marine Insurance
Phillip EnglandRetired Partner, Anderson Kill PC
Steven FastPartner, Day Pitney LLP & Estates
Scott FischerHead of Government Relations & General Counsel, Lemonade Insurance Company
Laura FogganPartner, Crowell & Moring LLP
Jonathan FreimanPartner, Wiggin and Dana
jfreiman@wiggin.comArt and Artifacts Law
Michael GailorState’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Middlesex, Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice
michael.gailor@uconn.eduState's Attorney Externship Field Placement - Fieldwork
Adam GendelmanSenior Attorney, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
adam.gendelman@uconn.eduRole of the DC Lawyer
Donald GershmanAttorney and Developer, Development Resources LLC
gershmanlegal@gmail.comReal Estate Transactions
William GoddardPartner, Day Pitney LLP, retired
william.goddard@uconn.eduInsurance Solvency, Insurance Litigation
Dan GorenCounsel, Wiggin and Dana
daniel.goren@uconn.eduInternational Trade Compliance
Andrew GroherAttorney, RisCassi & Davis, P.C.
agroher@riscassidavis.comTrial Advocacy
John HarrisRetired Partner, Shipman & Goodwin
Terence HarrisVice President Specialty Claim - Travelers
Wesley HortonOf Counsel, McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter LLP
wesley.horton@uconn.eduAppellate Advocacy
John Houlihan, Jr.Attorney, RisCassi & Davis, P.C.
jhoulihan@riscassidavis.comTrial Advocacy
Jared HowenstinePartner, Cantor Colburn LLP
jared.howenstine@uconn.eduPatent Law
An-Ping HsiehGeneral Counsel (Ret.), Hubbell Incorporated
an-ping.hsieh@uconn.eduBusiness Organizations, Role of In-House Counsel in a Global Market
Daniel KlauJudge, Connecticut Superior Court
First Amendment
Meghann LaFountainOwner and Attorney, LaFountain Immigration Law, LLC
MEL@LaFountainLaw.comImmigration Law
Robert LangerSenior Counsel, Wiggin and Dana LLP
robert.langer@uconn.eduAntitrust and Trade Regulation; Federal and State Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practice Laws
LaTanya LangleyChief People and Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary at Edgewell Personal Care
latanya.langley@uconn.eduRole of In-House Counsel in a Global Market
Melissa LaurettiCounsel, Personal Insurance Legal Services, Travelers
Melissa.Lauretti@uconn.eduCompliance: The Legal Perspective
Erik LohrJudge of the Connecticut Superior Court
erik.lohr@uconn.eduStreet Law in the High Schools
Kathleen LombardiCo-Director of the Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship Law Clinic
kathleen.lombardi@uconn.eduClinic: Intellectual Property
Robert MarconiAssistant Attorney General, State of Connecticut
robert.l.marconi@uconn.eduConnecticut Administrative Law
Thomas MarrionPartner, Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP
Amber Martin StoneAssociate Attorney, Spiegel & McDiarmid LLP
amber.martin@uconn.eduEnergy Law and the Courts
Lorelie MastersPartner, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Marcos MendozaCoverage Counsel, Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Texas Assoc. of School Boards
marcos.mendoza@uconn.eduProfessional Liability Insurance
Mary MillerStockholder, Reid and Riege, P.C.
mary.m.miller@uconn.eduClinic: Intellectual Property
Umar MoghulPartner, Roberts Moghul & Partners
umar.moghul@uconn.eduIslamic Finance Investment Law
Thomas MooneyPartner, Shipman & Goodwin LLP
tmooney@goodwin.comLaw and Public Education
Paul NarducciSupervisory Assistant State's Attorney, Office of the State's Attorney - NLJD
paul.narducci@uconn.eduField Placement: State's Attorney's - Seminar
John O'DonnellSenior Counsel, Hartford Healthcare Corp.
johnmartinodonnell@gmail.comTrial Advocacy
Cornelius O'LearyFormer Connecticut Senate Majority Leader
olearyc@ccsu.eduLegislative Process; Constitutional Law
Vincent PaceAssociate General Counsel, Eversource Energy
vincent.pace@uconn.eduEnergy Regulation and Policy
Humbert (Bert) Polito, Jr.Principal at Polito & Harrington, LLC
hpolito@politolaw.comTrial Advocacy
Jessica ProbolusAttorney at Law
jessica.probolus@uconn.eduCriminal Procedure
Roger ReynoldsAdjunct Faculty
rreynolds@ctenvironment.orgClinic: Environmental Law
Barbara ReznerVice President and Chief Compliance Officer, IFG Companies, Retired
barezner@ifgcompanies.comInsurance Regulation
William RobertsPartner, Day Pitney LLP
wroberts@daypitney.comData Privacy Law
David RobinsonFormerly Executive Vice President and General Counsel - The Hartford
John RogersFormerly Casualty Practice Lead & Head of Surety Claims – Americas, AXA XL
Christopher RooneyPartner, Carmody, Torrance, Sandak & Hennessey, LLP
crooney@carmodylaw.comNatural Resources Law
Patrick SalveRetired Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel and Director of Property and Casualty Legal Operations, The Hartford
patrick.salve@uconn.eduInsurance Regulation
Carl SchiesslSenior Director, Regulatory Advocacy, Connecticut Hospital Association
carl.schiessl@uconn.eduLegislative Process; Field Placement: Legislative
Maxine Segarnick KeefeAttorney, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
maxine.keefe@uconn.eduRole of the DC Lawyer
Angelo SevarinoOf Counsel, Morrissey, Morrissey & Mooney, LLC
wclawyer@aol.comWorkers' Compensation Law
Michael SheldonAppellate Court Judge (Ret.), State of Connecticut Judicial Branch
Law and Forensic Science
Sandra Sherlock WhiteAttorney, Law Offices of Sandra Sherlock-White, LLC
sandra.sherlock-white@uconn.eduElder Law
Douglas SimpsonArbitrator, American Dispute Resolution Council
douglas.simpson@uconn.eduAlternative Risk Management
Alexandra SlaneyLegal Counsel to CT Senate Majority Leader, CT Senate Democrats Office
alexandra.zeman@uconn.eduJudicial Decision Making
David SmithAssistant General Counsel, The Hartford
david.smith@uconn.eduInformation Governance
Richard StammGeneral Counsel, Secretary and VP of Operations, Activ Surgical Inc.
richard.stamm@uconn.eduRole of In-House Counsel in a Global Market
Joshua SteinPresident (Ret.), U.S. Healthcare Operations, IronHealth
joshua.o.stein@uconn.eduHealthcare Liability Insurance
Martha StoneDirector, Center for Children's Advocacy
martha.stone@uconn.eduChild Advocacy
Tahlia TownsendLitigation Partner and Co-Chair of the International Trade Compliance group, Wiggin and Dana
tahlia.townsend@uconn.eduInternational Trade Compliance
Walter WelshFormer Executive Vice President, American Council of Life Insurers
walter.welsh@uconn.eduLife Insurance
Wesley Whitmyer Jr.Managing Member, Whitmyer IP Group LLC
wesley.whitmyer@uconn.eduPatent Litigation
Charles WillsonAssistant Federal Public Defender, Federal Public Defender’s Office
Robert YassVice President and Associate General Counsel, The Hartford, retired
robert.yass@uconn.eduInsurance and Discrimination
Timothy ZeilmanVice President, Global Product Owner for Cyber - HSB