Student Organizations
The vibrant campus life at the UConn School of Law includes four student-run law journals and dozens of other student-run organizations that encompass the rich diversity of the student body and enhance virtually every aspect of student life. Student organizations sponsor panel discussions and conferences, undertake charitable projects and provide academic and social support for their members.
Student Bar Association
Founded in 1959, the Student Bar Association (SBA) is the student government of the University of Connecticut School of Law. Membership consists of students elected annually by the Day, Evening, and LLM Divisions of the Law School. The SBA manages a budget derived from student activities fees to support various student organizations, fund community activities, and to promote the quality of student life. In addition, the SBA selects students to serve on faculty committees, provides feedback to the administration, and is active in a multitude of issues affecting students at the Law School.
We, the students of The University of Connecticut School of Law, do hereby establish the Student Bar Association and its governing Board, whose purposes shall include:
- The promotion of such activities as may be of interest to the student body;
- The promotion of cordial and effective relations among students, faculty and administration of the Law School, and with the University at large, other law schools and the community; and
- The expression and representation of student opinion on matters pertaining to the law, to the Law School and to the Student Bar Association.
Executive Board 2024-2025
President: Haley Anderson
Vice President: Maurice Maitland Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer: Deven Pierre
Chief Financial Officer: Jase Olavarria
Parliamentarian: Lallane Guiao-Seng
ABA Representative: Nayeli Contreras
Staff Advisor: Julian M. Torres
Law Review & Journals
Connecticut Law Review
The Connecticut Law Review publishes approximately 1,000 pages of critical legal discussion each year. It is managed entirely by a student Board of Editors who solicit, edit and publish articles and book reviews written by scholars, judges and practicing attorneys. In addition, nearly half the content of the Law Review is written by students. Its subscribers include law offices and law libraries throughout the country and abroad. The Law Review is often cited in briefs, court opinions and legal texts. Membership on the Connecticut Law Review provides students an opportunity to work together to achieve a high level of analytical and writing skill, to contribute to the professional literature and to influence the development of the law. Election to the Law Review's Board of Editors is one of the highest honors a law student can achieve.
Volume 57 Editorial Board 2024-2025
Editor-in-Chief: Bridget Casey
Managing Editor: Anna-Kate Munsey
Assistant Managing Editor: Emmakate Foley
Membership Manager: Jessica Witkowski
Operations Manager: Sam Mahler
Executive Editors: Paul Durstin Alderete, Kristen Hand, Anna R. Janson, Olivia Kaminski, Casey Krieger, Katie Lombardi, and Shannon McSwyny
Symposium Editors: Maura K. McCormick and Adelina M. Miceli
Notes & Comments Editors: Elizabeth C. Anderson, Daniella Chuka, Kate Dormont, Drake D. Freiberg, Jennifer O'Brien, and Elinor Schneider
Articles Editors: Sinéad Brennan-Gatica, William S. Fallon, Brynn Furey, Connor F. Giveans, Colette L. Polezonis, and Ian Saum
Online Publication Editor: Brandon Ross
Alumni Affairs Editor: Grace M. Berning
Competition Manager: Alyanna Gallo
Competition Editor: William E. Roberts
Associate Editors: Jack Hayes, Mark G. McDonnell, Alexis Klimaszewski, and Stephen M. Pendergast
Advisor: Leslie C. Levin
Contact Information
Connecticut Law Review
UConn School of Law
65 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105-2290
(860) 570-5331
Connecticut Insurance Law Journal
The Connecticut Insurance Law Journal provides a forum for professional and academic writing in all areas of insurance law practice, from coverage disputes to conflicts of interest, as well as areas of special interest to the industry, such as taxation and regulation of insurance companies. It also explores theoretical and conceptual issues and alternatives to insurance. It is managed entirely by a student editorial board that solicits, edits and publishes articles and book reviews written by scholars, judges and practicing attorneys.
Volume 31 Editorial Board 2024-2025
Editor-in-Chief: Lindie Gibbs
Managing Editors: Eliza Russell and Kira Burnham
Assistant Managing Editor: Nicole Colletto
Administrative Editor: Samantha Mortara
Lead Articles Editors: Alexandrea W. Davenport and Lindsay Dowty
Executive Editors: Jack Fader, Jack Rubino, John Buckley, Joseph J. Vail III, Olivia Kappel, and Samuel Valas
SRP Editor: Rachel Thomas
Technology Editor: Renée Bingling
Research Editor: Shaquille C. Ricketts
Membership Editor: Remington Copertino
Symposium Editors: Tiffany McCormick and Tucker Alissi
Competition Editor: Autumn Ames
Assistant Executive Editors: Abraham Schwimmer, Spencer Duke, and Will Butler
Faculty Advisor: Travis Pantin
Student Advisor: James C. Hallinan
Contact Information
65 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone: (860) 570-5308
Connecticut Journal of International Law
The Connecticut Journal of International Law is a student-run organization that publishes two issues every academic year. Founded in 1985, the journal publishes articles that cover a wide range of topics in international law, comparative law and the extraterritorial effect of United States law and policy. While articles, book reviews and commentary by internationally recognized scholars and practitioners comprise a substantial portion of the Connecticut Journal of International Law, student notes are published as well.
UConn Law students handle all tasks related to managing the Connecticut Journal of International Law, serving on the Editorial Board and as associate members. The Editorial Board selects articles and notes for publication, communicates with the authors, edits drafts and manages the journal's administrative and financial affairs. Associate members source, edit and verify assignments. Additionally, associate members write a student note on international law.
The Connecticut Journal of International Law leads discussion and debate on international law at UConn Law by hosting speakers and organizing an annual symposium. Past symposia topics range from the Cambodian War Crimes Tribunals to the effect of Wal-Mart in an international economy.
Volume 40 Editorial Board 2024-2025
Editor-in-Chief: Anya Ek
Managing Editor: Hollianne Lao
Assistant Managing Editor: Christopher Torre
Administrative Editor: Sarina Bhargava
Lead Articles Editor: Troy Willis
Articles Editors: Prasad Gosavi, Trinh Nguyen, and Rachel Marlena Stevens
IT & Research Editor: Joshua Maddox
Lead Executive Editor: Owen Curran
Executive Editors: Theyjasvi Ashok, Alice Merville, Jordan Orange, and Raina Siladi
Symposium Editors: Jonah Badiab and Toni-Ann Gayle
Note & Comment Editors: Robert Cohen & Owen Raymond
Competition Editor: Peter Friedrichs
Advisor: Joseph MacDougald
Contact Information
Connecticut Journal of International Law
UConn School of Law
65 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105-2290
Phone: (860) 570-5297
Fax: (860) 570-5299
General Email:
Article Submissions:
Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal is a student-run, scholarly journal that publishes works by professors, judges, practitioners and students. Its publications are subjected to a rigorous editorial process designed to sharpen and strengthen substance, tone, and accuracy.
The journal's primary purpose is to further the discussion of the legal aspects of public interest issues, and especially those confronting under-represented individuals. The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal is a forum for such intellectual discussion and is a force for change and progress.
The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal was recently named one of the top five civil rights law journals in the United States by ExpressO, a leading law review submission organization operated by the Berkeley Electronic Press.
Volume 24 Editorial Board 2024-2025
Editor-in-Chief: Elisabeth Stankevitz
Managing Editor: Joshua Schneider
Assistant Managing Editor: Kimberly Mier
Administrative Editor: Rosario Naranjo-Zarate
Senior Articles Editor: Ryann Shaikh
Articles Editors: Camille Firgon, Kevin Gaidos, Farah Jean, Caitlin Jones, Devon Murphy
Lead Executive Editor: Christina Hebeisen
Symposium Editors: Hannah Govan, Lauren Moran
Membership Editor: Allison Kirkpatrick
Editor of Engagement: Sophia Holt
Publication Editor: John Sullivan
Outreach Editor: Sebastian Torres
Executive Editors: Emma Diamanti, Jennifer Logan, Lauren Pelzner, Gabriela Rodriguez, Henry Zinn
Advisor: John Cogan
Contact Information
Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
UConn School of Law
65 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105-2290
Accessibility Coalition
UConn School of Law’s Accessibility Coalition is an open and inclusive organization dedicated to providing community, support, and awareness to students with all types of disabilities at the Law School, and to the advancement of equal rights for individuals with disabilities. The Accessibility Coalition provides support to UConn Law students throughout their academic career while aiming to destigmatize disability and demystify the process of accommodations in the UConn Law community. We are also a community for students with disabilities and allies who are seeking a career in Disability Law or Advocacy. The Accessibility Coalition seeks to provide an environment to raise, discuss and act on the legal issues facing the legal disability community and the disability community at large, as well as provide a place to build camaraderie among students and allies.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Rachel Marlena Stevens & Kwaku Aurelien
Treasurer: Grace Brunner
Secretary: Amanda Hoey
Advisor: Carly Zubryzcki
Asian Pacific American Law Students Association
The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) is an organization for Asian as well as non-Asian law students who are interested in cultural, economic and political aspects of the Far East. This group also hopes to establish a network with graduates and Asian practitioners in the greater Hartford area to learn about career opportunities and obstacles they have encountered and overcome.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Tenzin Rabjam
Treasurer: Lallane Guiao-Seng
Secretary: Trinh Nguyen
CAPABA Rep: Hollianne Lao
3L Rep: Theyju Ashok
Advisor: Jessica de Perio Wittman
For more information contact
Black Law Students Association
The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) articulates and promotes the professional needs and goals of Black law students. Our mission is to provide a comfortable environment and support system where students can share ideas, help each other during their law school experience, and ensure that our voice is heard on the law school campus. The main focus of BLSA is to promote the success of people of color in the legal community, on the law school campus, and in society as a whole.
Our organization works to instill in Black law students a greater awareness of their role as lawyers in the Black community. BLSA is committed to fostering and encouraging professional excellence among Black attorneys and the American legal profession as a whole. Members also work to encourage law schools, legal fraternities, and associations to use their expertise and influence to bring about change in the legal system in order to make it responsive to the needs of the Black community.
Like many student groups on campus, we serve as a social support system as well as a political machine that seeks to continue dialog on issues revolving around race and the law and to prevent and fight racism in all sectors of society.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Farah Jean & Joshua Maddox
Vice President: Jhada Close
Secretary: Shakira Gray
Treasurer: Darlene Maxilus
Parliamentarian: Maurice Maitland
Academic Chair: Arianna Fleuriot
Events Coordinator: Aaliyah Kerr
Social Media Coordinator: Henry Seyue
Community Service Chair: Tori-Ann Gayle
Advisor: Willajeanne McLean
Please direct any questions to
Like UConn Law BLSA on Facebook.
Christian Law Students Association
The Christian Law Students Association seeks to Promote Christian Values, Provide Spiritual Support to the University of Connecticut School of Law Community, Foster a Culture of Volunteerism, Uphold the Value of Faith, Fundraise for those in Need, Encourage Religious Observance, Combat the Persecution of Christians, and Educate the Student Body on the Influence Christianity has had on Legal and Educational Systems across the Globe.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Abbi Helser
Vice President: Jack Rubino
Treasurer: Ian Russell
Secretary: Deven Pierre
For More Information
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Connecticut Alliance of International Lawyers
The Connecticut Alliance of International Lawyers (CAIL) was founded on September 24, 1999 with the aim of demonstrating the international diversity at UConn Law school. CAIL’s executive board consists of international LLM and exchange students who organize and host a range of informative, fun and engaging events for all of the UConn community including faculty and JD students. Events will be focused around international themes and all those who wish to learn about other cultures, discover what international law entails or meet other students of the UConn community are encouraged to participate in CAIL's events.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Bennet Wiese
Vice President: Sam Curry
Secretary: Kevin Sheedy
Treasurer: Lena Hohmann
Events Coordinator: Alex Garner
LLM Representative: Hauke Carstens
Exchange Student Representative: Darragh Collins
Advisor: Sarah Hodges
For More Information
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First-Generation Students Association
The First-Generation Students Association was created to serve the interests of students who are first-generation college students and first-generation Americans by creating an organization that is united by the common bond of being the first member(s) of their family to attend college or live in the United States.
Mission Statement
The mission of the First-Generation Students Association is to (1) establish connections and create a community among first-generation students on campus, especially between 1Ls/LLM students and upperclass students; (2) provide resources and support for first-generation students; (3) provide leadership opportunities for first-generation students; (4) provide an opportunity for future students and alumni of the Association in the legal profession to connect and interact; and (5) sponsor events, host speakers, and coordinate activities furthering the Association’s goals and interests.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Sarah Lateer
Vice President: Felicity Wang
Treasurer/Events Coordinator: Poonam Sidhu
Advisor: Lauren Terbush
Irish American Law Students Association
The Irish American Law Society is looking to grow the organization, accompanying both students of Irish heritage and those who are interested in learning more about the cultural roots of Ireland. Further, we are seeking to reach out to professionals across all industries of Irish heritage who may be able to support the students of the Irish American Law Society. Ultimately, it is our goal to foster an environment for students to gain an understanding of the fundamental societal tenets of Ireland and how they can be applied to a career in law.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Kyle Sullivan
Vice President: Ruairi Blevio
Treasurer: Trevor Mays
Secretary: Ryan Saul
Events Coordinator: Andrew Holland
Fundraising Coordinator: Hannah Dombroski
Italian American Law Students Association
The Italian American Law Students Association (ITALSA) is a UConn Law organization promoting awareness of the achievements of all Italian descent peoples in the historical, cultural, and, most importantly, legal fields. Additionally, it serves as a forum for discussion of issues affecting Italian-Americans in both a social and professional context in the legal field.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Jack Rubino
Vice President: Remington Copertino
Vice President of Finance: Andrew Ferrucci
Secretary: Daniella Chuka
Events Director: Luke Ferrigno
Social Media and Communications Director: Anna Casinghino
Community Outreach Director: Maurice Maitland
Jewish Law Students Association
Jewish Law Students' Association (JLSA) celebrates and studies Jewish law, history, traditions & customs, and culture with the student body of the University of Connecticut School of Law. The Jewish Law Students' Association sponsors activities and events of interest to the Jewish legal community. All members of UConn Law are welcomed and encouraged to participate and attend.
The Jewish Law Students' Association will support educational endeavors which will further the Association's collective interest. The Jewish Law Students' Association will sponsor educational programs, legal seminars, luncheons, and host lectures expounding on prevalent legal and political issues and additional topics of interest. In the past, these functions have allowed students, faculty and community leaders a chance to meet and discuss contemporary issues. The Jewish Law Students' Association will foster community participation in all events. The Jewish Law Students' Association will also organize and sponsor social get-togethers, cultural events, volunteer activities, and other events of interest to the members of the UConn Law student body.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Meghan Costigan
Vice President: Avi Schwimmer
Treasurer: Robert Cohen
Secretary: David Maher
Outreach Coordinator: Andrew Dezjot
For More Information
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Lambda Law Society
Lambda Law Society is open to all students at the Law School. Lambda's mission includes but is not limited to: developing awareness of challenges facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and communities through academic events, advocacy, and outreach; providing a support network and representing the interests of LGBT students on campus; and working to eliminate all forms of discrimination for the LGBT community.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Alex Davenport
VP: Anna Janson
Social Justice Chair: Victoria Carpenter
Treasurer: Sarah Lateer
Secretary: Alex Kiley
Events Coordinator: Justin Lockhart
Professional Outreach Coordinator: Maya Elias
Advisor: Susan Schmeiser
For More Information
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Latinx Law Students Association
Our organization offers programs that focus on academic and professional development. Through peer mentoring, group study sessions, and mock interviews, LLSA intends to provide students with a structure that promotes success. Also, LLSA social events are an integral component of our organization. We host potluck dinners, social gatherings, and alumni mixers in an attempt to build community and familiarity amongst Latinx and non-Latinx friends and classmates. The entire student body of the Law School is welcome to become a part of LLSA and is encouraged to attend its functions.
Mission Statement
The purpose of Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA) is to create an academic, professional, and social support network in an effort to help students adapt to the rigors of law school and excel.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Natalia Brito
Vice President: Veronica Rosario
Secretary: Nayeli Contreras
Treasurer: Gigi Gardere
Events Coordinator: Patricia Jimenez
CHBA/HNBA Liaison: Sofia Rodriguez
Co-Community Service Representatives: Paul Alderete & Alejandro Rivera
Professional Development Chair: Natalie Casanova
LLM Representative: Monica Mantilla Villamizar
For More Information
For more information contact
Native American Law Students Association
The National Native American Law Students Association (NNALSA) was founded in 1970 to support law students who are interested in the study of Federal Indian Law, Tribal Law, and traditional forms of governance. Through NNALSA, we increase the Native American law student population and promote indigenous legal issues that affect Native communities. We encourage Native Americans to pursue a legal education and advocate for tribal communities.
NNALSA was founded in 1970 to promote the study and development of Federal Indian Law, Tribal Law, and traditional forms of governance. Additionally, NNALSA supports Native Americans in law school, both in their own personal academic and life achievements, and in their efforts to educate their peers and communities about Indian law issues.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Sydney Fernandez
Vice President:
Older, Wiser Law Students
Older, Wiser Law Students ("OWLS") is an organization that represents the interests of non-traditional law students, including, but not limited to, evening students, older students, students with children, and students with disabilities. The organization will foster relationships within the law school and Greater Hartford legal communities, advocate on behalf of the non-traditional law students, and seek employment and networking opportunities for its members.
Officers 2023-2024
President: Samantha Joerg
Vice President: Dena Ela
Secretary: Haley Reidy
Outreach Director: Elly Moore
Treasurer: N/A
Events Coordinator: N/A
South Asian Law Students Association
Mission Statement
The South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) focuses on the needs and goals of students of the South Asian community at UConn Law. SALSA is committed to fostering and encouraging professional excellence among South Asian attorneys and focusing on their relationships with the legal system. SALSA works to instill greater awareness of the role of students as future advocates and leaders in the South Asian community. Members hold cultural events including a tea tasting event and a Diwali/Eid event, promote networking and career opportunities among South Asian attorneys in the community, and participate in events with other various minority and ethnic groups both on and off-campus to promote cultural awareness and ethnic fraternity with the legal profession. Membership is open to all students and all are encouraged to attend meetings and events.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Laiba Qureshi
Vice President: Poonam Sidhu
Treasurer: Connor Sullivan
Secretary: Karus Sabio
Faculty Advisor: Sachin Pandya
Veterans and Armed Forces Legal Out Reach Society
The Veterans and Armed Forces Legal Out Reach Society promotes scholarly discussion of law regarding Veteran and Military related topics; and builds social ties between interested students, the law school, and the local community to promote professional development. VALOR does not require military membership. The Society is open to all students who wish to study the interface between the military, the government, and the wider legal system.
The VALOR Bunker lounge is open to all Veterans, Military Service members, and VALOR members at the School of Law; located in the basement of Hosmer Hall. Please stop by and introduce yourself!
Mission Statement
To promote knowledge and awareness of military law issues affecting students, law professionals, and members of America’s armed forces.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Andrew McCotter
Executive Officer: Steven Jellen
Events Officer: Piper Glass
Finance Officer: Natalie Dube
Membership Officer: Samantha Sterenberg
Advisor: Mark Janis
Women Law Students Association
Women Law Students' Association (WLSA) is dedicated to raising awareness of gender-related issues. Participation from the entire Law School community is encouraged, including all students, faculty, administrators and staff. Speakers, brown-bag lunch discussions, movie nights and informal gatherings that are sponsored by WLSA are exciting, provocative, and educational. WLSA welcomes new ideas and fresh approaches to the exploration of sex discrimination, cultural attitudes, and male-female relations.
Mission Statement
The UConn Women Law Students' Association is an inclusive organization aiming to promote an environment of academic, professional, and legal equality.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Veronica Rosario
Vice President: GiGi Gardere
Secretary: Caitlyn Leahy
Treasurer: Aaliyah Kerr
Events Coordinator: Alexa Majka
Social Media Manager: Olivia Frantzeskos
Advisor: Carleen Zubrzycki
For More Information
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Athletics and Social
UConn Law Basketball Club
The UConn Law Basketball Club aims to provide students an opportunity to network and relieve stress by playing, learning and watching basketball. Students who don't want to play can still come and enjoy watching their school compete in regional tournaments.
2024-2025 Executive Board
President: Joshua Maddox
Vice President: Jonah Badiab
Secretary: Christina Hebeisen
Treasurer: Joy Hamer
Social Media Coordinators: Tiffany McCormick & Brandon Ross
Events Coordinator: Drake Freiberg
1L Representative: Kwaku Aurelian
Advisor: Paul Chill
For more information, contact
Softball Club
UConn Law Softball Club is a co-ed slow-pitch softball organization, which plays pick-up slow-pitch softball games locally and participates in a few tournaments throughout the year.
Mission Statement
UConn Law Softball Club’s mission is to bring students together, get outside, de-stress, exercise, and participate in friendly competition—all while networking and building connections with other law school students and lawyers.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Ian Saum
Vice President: Jack Rubino
Tournament Director: Jessica Witkowski
Secretary: Jennifer O'Brien
Treasurer: Jacqueline Stevens
Equipment Manager: Casey Weingart
Advisor: Kiel Brennan-Marquez
Yearbook Club
The Yearbook Club of UConn Law is open to all students at the University of Connecticut School of Law. The Yearbook Club's mission is to facilitate the creation of a yearbook for the graduating class and reach out to printing sources to create a final product for distribution to the student body. This is supposed to be a fun society that is dedicated to the preservation of memories and experiences.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Peter Friedrichs
Secretary: Lindie Gibbs
Treasurer: Jacqueline Stevens
Civic and Policy
American Constitution Society
American Constitution Society (ACS) is the "left-leaning equivalent of the Federalist Society." ACS believes that law should be a force to improve the lives of all people. ACS works for positive change by shaping debate on vitally important legal and constitutional issues through development and promotion of high-impact ideas to opinion leaders and the media; by building networks of lawyers, law students, judges, and policymakers, dedicated to those ideas; and by countering the activist conservative legal movement that has sought to erode our enduring constitutional values.
ACS presents a compelling vision of core constitutional values such as genuine equality, liberty, justice, and the rule of law. It is quickly debunking conservative buzzwords such as “originalism,” "textualism," and “strict construction,” that use neutral-sounding language, but all too often lead to conservative policy outcomes. One of ACS’s principal missions is nurturing the next generation of progressive lawyers, judges, policy experts, legislators, and academics. In addition, ACS has led the charge to promote up-or-down votes on judicial nominations by engaging key decision makers.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Kenny Redmond
Vice President: Vacant (pending Spring 2025 elections)
Secretary: Deven Pierre
Treasurer: Kellen Voland
Events Coordinator: Peter Jones
Social Media & Outreach Coordinator: Molly Meyer
DEI Chair: Sashel Marquis-Wedderburn
Advisor: Joseph MacDougald
For More Information
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Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
The Federalist Society at UConn Law helps add to the on-campus discussion of legal and policy issues. The local chapter hosts speaker events and debates to help promote a well-rounded legal education where multiple perspectives are explored in order to promote academic and intellectual diversity.
The Federalist Society is a 501(c)(3) organization which is non-partisan and not for profit; The Federalist Society does not endorse political candidates, policy initiatives, or policies in general.
Mission Statement
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.
This entails reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law. It also requires restoring the recognition of the importance of these norms among lawyers, judges, law students and professors. In working to achieve these goals, the Society has created a conservative and libertarian intellectual network that extends to all levels of the legal community.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Tal Arkin
Executive Vice President: Henry Seyue
Vice President of Finance: Dominic Nazzaro
Vice President of Special Events: Olivia Kappel
Vice President of Membership: Jack Rubino
Advisor: Kiel Brennan-Marquez
For More Information
For more information please contact
International Refugee Assistance Project
The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) organizes law students and lawyers to develop and enforce a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid, litigation and systemic advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.
Since its founding in 2008, IRAP has helped resettle over 4,200 refugees and their families from 77 countries and has trained over 2,500 law students and lawyers in the process. The chapter at the University of Connecticut School of Law is one of IRAP’s 29 student chapters across the United States and Canada.
Officers 2024-2025
Chapter Director: Aditi Tailor
Policy Director: Justin Lockhart
Project Directors: Monica Mantilla Villamizar
Advisor: Diana Blank
For More Information
For more information contact
Mental Health Committee
The goal of the Mental Health Committee (formerly a committee under the Student Bar Association) is to raise awareness about mental health issues in the legal field. The committee aims to act proactively by opening a dialogue on campus about caring for our own mental health, reducing negative stigmas concerning mental health issues, and promoting healthy minds in the UConn Law community.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Meghan Costigan
Vice President: Natalie Casanova
Treasurer: Amanda Hoey
Secretary: Grace Brunner
Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Shakira Gray
Events Coordinator: Allison Kirkpatrick
Social Media & Outreach Chair: Rachel Severns
Advisor: Ashley Armstrong
National Lawyers Guild
National Lawyers Guild was founded in 1933 as a national, progressive association of lawyers dedicated to using the law as a tool for social and economic change. The Guild Charter values the rights of persons over property rights and its work reflects this focus on human rights. The Law School chapter of the Guild is joined with the Hartford chapter, giving a diverse organization of students and attorneys to plan Guild events for the Hartford area. National Lawyers Guild sponsors speakers on campus and co-sponsors events with other student groups also. The Guild chapter at the Law School is open to all and becomes what the members make it. It looks forward to welcoming new members and to sharing its events with the Law School community.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Sabrina Regan
Treasurer: Hollianne Lao
Community Outreach Coordinator:
For More Information
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People’s Parity Project
The People's Parity Project at UConn Law takes advantage of the school's location at the heart of Connecticut's state government to provide students with opportunities to engage in policy and legislative advocacy with the General Assembly and executive agencies. Previous projects include legislation providing gig workers employment protections and benefits, fighting forced arbitration, ending prison gerrymandering, and police accountability, with many more in the works!
Mission Statement
Our mission is to advance equality for all workers and immigrants, fight corruption and harassment, and advocate for historically marginalized people while also providing opportunities for UConn Law students to gain experience in organizing and policy advocacy.
Executive Board 2024-2025
President: Grace Brunner
Vice President: Megan Snyder
Secretary: Jaylein Piekarski
Treasurer: Amanda Hoey
Publishing Coordinator: Sarah Lateer & Sashel Marquis-Wedderburn
Events Coordinator: Alexa Majka
Outreach Coordinator: Wyatt Cole
JEDI Officer: Uma McIntosh
Legislative Coordinator: Camille Frigon & Matthew Shor
Recruitment Coordinator: Pete Jones
Marketing Coordinator: Molly Turban
Leadership Coordinator: Caitlin Jones
Faculty Advisor: Jon Bauer
For More Information
For more information, contact:
UConn Law Animal Legal Defense Fund
UConn Law Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is dedicated to promoting the awareness of animal rights and educating the law school community about the legal protection of animal welfare. Our goal is to assist animal rights organizations such as the ASPCA and local animal shelters. SALDF strives to provide opportunities for students to learn more about and explore the field of animal law through panel discussions on campus and community volunteering.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Signe Forsingdal
Vice President: Megan Farbam
Secretary: Ryan Saul
Treasurer: Hope Bobrowski
Advisor: James Kwak
For More Information
For more information contact
Connecticut Moot Court Board
The Connecticut Moot Court Board members consist of the most promising oral advocates at the University of Connecticut School of Law. Selection for the Board arises through exemplary performance in the William H. Hastie and Alva P. Loiselle intramural competitions, held in the fall and spring semesters, respectively. Membership is also extended to students with outstanding performances in client counseling competitions or through participation on an interscholastic competition team.
Board membership provides students the chance to hone their advocacy skills by competing in moot court competitions across the country, including the National Moot Court Competition and the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Members also assist with the first-year interterm moot court program by judging practice arguments.
The Board strives to promote the development of oral and written advocacy skills, to enhance the reputation of the University of Connecticut School of Law by maintaining a high level of quality and prestige, and to augment the legal education of members and the student body by introducing students to, and providing them with the opportunity to debate, emerging jurisprudential issues.
Officers 2024-2025
Executive Director: Alex Davenport
Deputy Executive Director: Sophia Holt
Director of Judging: Kimberly Mier
Intramural Director: Brandon Ross
Interscholastic Director: Brynn Furey
Executive Brief Writer: Jenny O'Brien
Community Outreach Director: Sinead Brennan-Gatica
Secretary: Ian Russell
Treasurer: Syaad Khan
Events Coordinator: Catie Buonamici
Advisors: Kiel Brennan-Marquez, Julia Simon-Kerr
For More Information
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Mock Trial Society
Mock Trial Society is a student organization that provides students with the opportunity to compete in the William R. Davis '55 Mock Trial Competition, an intramural competition held at UConn Law every fall semester, as well as also facilitating UConn Law’s participation in a number of nationwide intermural competitions which occur in both the fall and spring semesters. The Mock Trial Society produces events throughout the year.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Jessica Witkowski
Vice President: Jacqueline Stevens
Interscholastic Competition Director: Drake Freiberg
Intramural Director: Claire Lasher
Judging Director: Katherine Dunbar
Events Director: Alanna Uthgenannt
Treasurer: Grace Brannigan
Secretary: Uma McIntosh
Advisor: Rachel Timm
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Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Society
The Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Society is a student organization that provides students with the opportunity to develop negotiation, mediation, and arbitration skills. Through competitions, training sessions, workshops, networking and speaking events members will have the opportunity to explore these essential areas of practicing law today. The Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Society will sponsor events throughout the year to encourage UCONN Law Students to enjoy sharpening their practical skills for the future.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Alyanna Gallo
Vice President: Elinor Schneider
Treasurer: James Ingersoll
Secretary: Caitlyn Myers
Intramural Director: Megan Griswold
Interscholastic DIrector: Colleen Spence
Fundraising and Outreach Director: Caitlyn Leahy
Skills Development Director: Sofia Mariona & Kayla Kelly
Advisor: Jessica Rubin
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Practice Area
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law Society
The Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law Society (AESLS) is an organization dedicated to establishing connections between the UConn Law community and arts, entertainment, and sports law practitioners, facilitating students' access to resources and opportunities in this diverse and evolving field, and assisting students in honing pertinent practical skills.
The Arts, Entertainment & Sports Law Society (AESLS) is an organization dedicated to establishing connections between the UConn Law community and arts, entertainment and sports law practitioners in the industry and to fostering discussions about current topics in arts, entertainment and sports law on campus. Through networking events, brown-bag lunch discussions, pro bono initiatives, participation in regional negotiation competitions, and a variety of other events and activities driven by the interests of its members and the UConn community, the organization strives to facilitate students' access to resources and opportunities in this diverse and evolving field and to assist students in honing pertinent practical skills.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Meghan Costigan
Vice President: Brice Ashford
Treasurer: Hauke Carstens
Secretary: Gillian Haverty
Outreach Chair: Olivia Frantzeskos
Social Media Chair: Caitlyn Leahy
Advisor: Lewis Kurlantzick
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Business and Transactional Law Society
The Business and Transactional Law Society (“BTLS”) is an organization dedicated to establishing connections between the UConn Law community and business and transactional law practitioners, facilitating students' access to resources and opportunities in this fundamental field, and assisting students in honing pertinent practical skills. BTLS seeks to provide a forum for students to hone their corporate and transactional law skills, to learn transactional research and drafting, and to further develop their negotiation techniques. BTLS members have the opportunity to enhance their negotiation skills and learn how to draft and interpret business documents through workshops and lectures on the intricacies of business law and practice.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Luke Ferrigno
Vice President: Arianna Fleuriot
Secretary: Bella Trimarchi
Treasurer: Drew Boyd
Events Coordinator: Aaliyah Kerr
Competition Co-Directors: Bella Crotta & Laura Patton
Advisor: Diane Covello
Corporate and Securities Law Society
The Corporate and Securities Law Society ("CSLS") is a coalition of students dedicated to learning business legal practices, networking with business, corporate, and securities law professionals, fostering relevant discussion, and seeking business-minded opportunities for its members.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Kyle Sullivan
Vice President: Amanda Gibbs
Secretary: Michelle Cheng
Treasurer: Isabel Wagner
Advisor: Jessica Rubin
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Criminal Law Society
The Criminal Law Society aims to equip students who seek to pursue a career in criminal law with the skills, knowledge, and perspective necessary to be diligent and passionate advocates. While simultaneously, fostering an environment of inclusivity and collaboration amongst students, practitioners, and our larger community.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Kevin Gaidos & Sarah Dowling
Vice President: Kaitlyn Kelsey
Secretary: Daniella Chuka
Treasurer: Jack Rubino
Community Outreach Chair: Katherine Paine
Advisor: Anna VanCleave
Energy and Environmental Law Society
Energy and Environmental Law Society (EELS) provides students with information on current topics in the fields of energy and environmental law to encourage increased awareness. EELS provides information on the career opportunities in both fields and serves as a social organization. The Energy and Environmental Law Society, in coordination with the Center for Energy and Environmental Law, sponsors social events for the Law School community, organizes speakers and panel discussions on issues concerning energy and the environment, organizes awareness programs on campus, and participates in regional and national conferences.
Officers 2023-2024
President: Victoria Carpenter
Vice President: Signe Forsingdal
Secretary: Ruairi Blevio
Treasurer: Riley Morrill
Bird Law & Trivia Chair: Megan Farbman
Advisor: Joseph MacDougald
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Family Law Association
The Family Law Association (FLA) is an organization meant to foster discussions on topics in family law and create connections within the UConn Law community between students, staff, and practitioners interested in family law. FLA hosts panels and discussions to educate all UConn Law students on issues related to family law. FLA also provides opportunities to network with current practitioners in the field and provide information about internships and career opportunities for current students who are interested in going into family law.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Robert Cohen & Allison Kirkpatrick
Vice President: Bree Wilkes
Secretary: Megan Snyder
Treasurer: Rebekah Wesler
Social Outreach Chair: Catie Buonamici
Events Chair: Wiktoria Zduniak
Advisor: Susan Schmeiser
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Health Law Society
The mission of the Health Law Society (HLS) is to provide an opportunity for communication and information exchange among law students with an interest in health care. This group stimulates increased awareness of health law issues within the student body by sponsoring related programs that benefit members of the law school community, and serves as a social organization that provides information on career opportunities within the field of health law. The Health Law Society coordinates programs to increase the wellness and health of the law students by sponsoring social events for the law school community, organizing speakers and panel discussions on issues concerning health law, organizing health awareness programs and activities on campus, and participating in curricular reform to expand health law course and clinic offerings on campus.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Jennifer Logan & Alyanna Gallo
Vice President: Grace Brunner
Treasurer: Despina Topalis
Secretary & Outreach: Lindsay Dowty
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Human Rights Law Association
Human Rights Law Association (HRLA) is a group of students committed to cultivating student and community awareness and involvement in domestic and international human rights issues, and fostering professional development opportunities for its members.
- Providing a forum for students and the broader community to discuss current human rights issues.
- Encouraging respect for and an understanding of human rights law.
- Being a focal point for disseminating information regarding internships, jobs, and other opportunities in the field of human rights.
- Sponsoring and coordinating human rights events such as panels, conferences, and fundraisers and collaborating with other student groups on campus.
Officers 2024-2025
Co-Presidents: Micaela O'Shea & Poonam Sidhu
Vice President: Matt Shor
Treasurer: Austin Robertson
Secretary: Antonella Portugal
Community Outreach Director: Andy Dezjot & Caitlyn Meyers
Communications Director: Hollianne Lao
Social Media Director: Molly Meyer
Faculty Advisor: Molly Land
Intellectual Property Law Society
The Intellectual Property Law Society offers students the opportunity to learn about legal issues concerning technology. Speakers, information and debate on the broad range of technology law and the role of computers in legal research and writing are presented throughout the year. Attention is focused on the intellectual property laws governing the protection of technology.
The Intellectual Property Law Society offers students the opportunity to learn about legal issues concerning intangible assets, such as brand names and designs; discoveries and inventions; and musical, literary, and artistic works. This group is dedicated to providing a network with graduates and intellectual property law practitioners, as well as sponsoring relevant luncheons and lectures.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Owen Raymond
Vice President: Olivia Kaminski
Secretary: William Roberts
Treasurer: Sofia Mariona
Event Directors: Nadav Batatt & Sarah Lateer
Advisor: Steven Wilf
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Labor and Employment Law Society
The mission of the Labor and Employment Law Society (“LELS”) is to offer UConn Law students the opportunity to learn more about the field of labor and employment law. LELS will focus on educating students about current issues in labor and employment law, facilitating networking between students and current practitioners, and connecting students to resources for pursuing a career in labor and employment law.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Amanda Hoey
Vice President: Micaela O'Shea
Secretary: Alanna Uthgennant
Treasurer: Molly Turban
Social Media Coordinators: Grace Brunner & Rachel Marlena Stevens
Event Coordinators: Leo Bolock & Monique Johnson
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Officer: Sebastian Musante
Public Interest Law Group
The Public Interest Law Group (PILG) is a student organization developed to encourage UConn Law students to perform work in the public interest field during their education and into their professional careers. We have three primary focuses. First, PILG sponsors speakers and debates on campus regarding public interest-related topics to engage with students' intellectual curiosity and to provide them with a picture of how they can build a career by working in the public interest. Second, the organization affords students the opportunity to serve the Greater Hartford community and gain valuable experience. PILG, in connection with outside organizations, helps to arrange pro bono and service opportunities for students to work on real cases and projects. Third, PILG manages a fellowship program that provides grants to students who perform unpaid internships in the public interest. PILG raises funds through our annual auction and the proceeds of the event go directly to providing legal services to underrepresented communities.
Annual PILG Auction
Every year, members of the Public Interest Law Group organize an auction to help fund fellowships for students who choose to pursue public interest work during their summers. Typically, student volunteers organize a silent and live auction that includes donations from alumni, faculty, staff, local businesses and beyond.
PILG Summer Fellowships
The Public Interest Law Group's Summer Fellowships provide a limited number of stipends to matriculated UConn School of Law students who secure summer positions that serve the public interest. Interested students should visit Symplicity for more information.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Bri Eagan
Vice President: Logan Ward
Secretary: Myah Bassett
Treasurer: Antonella Portugal
Auction Chairs: Andrew Dezjot, Ana Laura Faoro, & Molly Turban
Directors of Community Engagement: Malika Ilboudo & Monique Johnson
Advisor: Jon Bauer
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Tax Law Society
The Tax Law Society is a student-run organization that strives to improve its members understanding of tax law, highlight trending issues within the practice area, and provide networking opportunities between law students and tax professionals.
Officers 2024-2025
President: Will Longergan
Vice President: Kyle Sullivan
Treasurer: Dominic Nazzaro
Secretary: Martin Chavarria
Advisor: Richard Pomp
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Soccer Club
The UConn Law Soccer Club’s mission is to promote good physical and mental health on campus by providing students with an opportunity to play soccer and socialize outside of class. We invite alumni as a means to network and interact with attorney’s while on the field. The club is open to everyone and anyone regardless of skill level.
2023-2024 Executive Board
President: Casey Krieger
Vice President: Ryan Saul
Secretary: Nathaniel Chmura
Treasurer: Robert Cohen
Diversity Alliance
The Diversity Alliance, an independent student-led organization, acts both proactively and reactively to promote, ensure and protect the open and inclusive nature of our law school community. The organization acts proactively to promote diversity and create an open and inclusive community by encouraging administrators to provide diversity training for students during orientation; by encouraging faculty to consider diversity workshops as personal development; by sponsoring events for the community—such as, but not limited to, Diversity Month—throughout the school year that bring all members of our community together for thought-provoking debate and discussion on the creation and maintenance of an inclusive community; and with students by supporting the existing affinity groups. The organization acts reactively when an event on campus enhances or challenges our belief in an open and inclusive community. The alliance will act as a facilitator of discussion for events that happen on campus or within the law school community.
Diversity Month
Diversity Month is a campus-wide series of events that showcases the UConn School of Law's commitment to offering a safe and diverse environment. First organized in 2011 and subsequently expanded from Diversity Week to Diversity Month, the series of activities offers community members a chance to celebrate all the differences that make each of us unique. Throughout the month, student organizations host a variety of events that encourage community members to take pause and appreciate how each member contributes to the law school's campus culture. Community members are encouraged to continue these conversations in their lives outside of the law school.
Officers 2023-2024
President: Kiana Laude
Vice President:
Treasurer: Esangubong Udoh
Advisor: Tanya Johnson
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GameSA provides a space for students to get together and play board games. Playing games allows for students, faculty, and staff members to socialize outside of the normal school setting. We offer a variety of gaming opportunities including Dungeons and Dragons, instructional events, and game nights. In addition all GameSA games are available for check out at the Uconn Law Library. Overall GameSA hopes to provide all students with a space to relax and have fun.
Mission Statement
GameSA aims to create a space where students can unwind and socialize while playing board games.
Officers 2020-2021
Tactical Commander: Mike Preato
Keeper of the Scrolls: Daisy Garrett
Coin Master: Evin Bell
Advisor: Adam Mackie
Middle Eastern Law Student Association
The Middle Eastern Law Student Association is a source for Middle Eastern Law students to connect with each other and share their traditions, cultures, and values with the Law School. MELSA seeks to connect students (of Middle Eastern origin or who are interested in the Middle East in general) to resources, career opportunities, and professionals in the legal field.
Mission Statement
MELSA focuses on the needs and goals of students of the Middle Eastern community at UConn Law. MELSA is committed to fostering and encouraging professional excellence among The Middle East attorneys and focusing on their relationships with the legal system. MELSA works to instill greater awareness of the role of students as future advocates and leaders in the Middle Eastern community. Members hold cultural events including Middle Eastern film screenings, Eid celebrations, promote networking and career opportunities among Middle Eastern attorneys in the community, and participate in events with other various minority and ethnic groups both on and off-campus to promote cultural awareness and ethnic fraternity with the legal profession. Membership is open to all students and all are encouraged to attend meetings and events.
Officers 2020-2021
President: Nardeen El-Guindy
Vice President: Sarah Cherfan
Treasurer: Saman Azimi
Compliance and Ethics Law Association
The Compliance and Ethics Law Association hosts panel discussions and activities to educate UConn Law students and the greater community on the growing legal field of compliance practice. CELA provides a forum for students, practitioners, and faculty to explore issues surrounding public integrity, anti-bribery, transparency, regulatory compliance, white collar crime, and more. In order to improve UConn Law students' career options, CELA offers excellent networking opportunities with current practitioners in the compliance field.
Officers 2021-2022
President: Shawn Pilares
Vice President: Banjamin Frascarelli
Treasurer: Emily Pierce
Secretary: Ian Fignon
Muslim Law Students Association
The Muslim Law Students' Association (MLSA) is dedicated to raising awareness about Islamic issues, crushing stereotypes, and bridging gaps. We achieve these goals by hosting events such as panels with Muslim attorneys, networking opportunities with legal professionals, and brown-bag lunches. We are also dedicated to giving back to the greater community by hosting clothing drives and food drives. MLSA welcomes new ideas and encourages discussions about topics, especially current events.
Officers 2020-2021
President - Gulrukh Haroon
Vice President - Semir Dervisi
Advisor: Professor Jessica de Perio Wittman
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Campus Democrats at UConn Law
**Currently inactive for 2023-2024 academic year pending fall elections**
Campus Democrats at UConn Law seeks to mobilize students around Democratic principles and to engage with the community as a whole. We host events including candidate forums, guest speakers, voter registration tables, in addition to volunteering on local Democratic campaigns.
Officers 2022-2023
President: Sam Zuckerman
Secretary: Hannah Lauer
Treasurer: Stevie Della-Giustina
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