Margaret Berthold ’78, a longtime attorney in New Haven, CT, passed away recently. Read her obituary.
Bill Dombi ’78 Joins Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Bill Dombi ’78 has joined Arnall Golden Gregory LLP as senior counsel at the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Dombi has more than four decades of experience handling major litigation and policy matters.
In Memoriam: F. Jerome O’Malley ’78
F. Jerome O’Malley ’78, a former prosecutor in Connecticut, died on August 26, 2024. Read his obituary.
Vanessa L. Bryant ’78 Retires From Federal Bench
Curtis Tearte ’78 Honored by Brandeis
Curtis Tearte ’78 is being recognized with a 2023 Alumni Achievement Award from Brandeis University, where he earned his BA in 1973. Brandeis is honoring Tearte during the school’s 75th anniversary celebration for his business and philanthropic leadership. Tearte worked at IBM for more than 30 years and served on the company’s Worldwide Management Committee, composed of the top 60 IBM senior executives. He is now chairman of the Tearte Family Foundation, which helps underrepresented students complete high school and pursue post-secondary education. Tearte has served on the Brandeis Board of Trustees and the board of the University of Connecticut Law School Foundation.
Foodshare Honors Cheryl Chase ’78
Cheryl Chase ’78 accepted the Nancy Carrington Philanthropy Award from Connecticut Foodshare at a ceremony on Oct. 12, 2022. Chase and the Chase Family Foundation are longtime supporters of Connecticut Foodshare, which distributes food through a network of more than 700 relief programs.
Marilda Gandara ’78 Inducted Into Immigrant Hall of Fame
In Memoriam: David Leff ’78
David Leff ’78, a former deputy commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection who was also a poet and essayist, died in May 2022. Read the obituary.
In Memoriam: Lea Shedd ’78
Lea Shedd ’78, elder law attorney and former chair of the Legal Studies Department at Quinnipiac College, died January 19, 2022. Read her obituary.
Philip Bryce ’78 named Global Chief Knowledge Officer at Mayer Brown
Philip Bryce ’78 has recently received a title upgrade to chief knowledge officer at Mayer Brown LLP. Mayer Brown is a global law firm with offices in 26 cities across multiple continents. Bryce’s previous title was global director of knowledge management.