Author: Vibert, Taylorann

Local Initiatives Support Corporation Names Michael Skrebutenas ’91 Senior Vice President for Housing

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) has named Michael Skrebutenas ’91, a long-time national affordable housing leader, as its new senior vice president for housing. In this role, Skrebutenas will lead investment and advocacy in quality rental and for-sale housing across the country. Prior to this position, Skrebutenas worked at New York-based Community Preservation Corporation (CPC) as senior vice president and regional director of community preservation in the Albany office.

Christina Canales ’13 named partner at Morrison Mahoney

Morrison Mahoney has announced the election of Christina Canales ’13 as a partner in the firm’s Hartford office. Canales’ practice concentrates in the defense of medical malpractice and professional liability, representing hospitals, assisted living facilities, and various medical professionals. Canales also has experience defending non-medical professionals, including attorneys.

Connecticut General Assembly names Nick Bombace ’09 Office Director

Nick Bombace ’09 has been selected as the new Office Director of the Legislative Commissioner’s Office of the Connecticut General Assembly. Bombace began working in the Legislative Commissioner’s Office in 2012 and most recently has been the attorney for the Appropriations and Executive and Legislative Nomination Committees.